Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer Vacation

I've been away for a good while and not sewing much, but thought I'd share the little bits of sewing that I did sneak in over the past month.

I'm working on two pillow covers for my living room, inspired by these.

I'm using Kaffe woven stripes for the background (LOVE!) and two vintage doilies from etsy. I'm nearly done hand stitching them down.  Maybe in the next week or so I'll get them all finished.  Fingers crossed!

And these are some HST blocks I'm playing with.

I don't know yet what they'll become, but a fabric combo popped in my head and I just had to play!  The black/white/grey fabric is from a goodie bag at an AQA event from last year. (Anyone going to AQA's Quilters Take Manhattan this year?  Trying to decide if I'm going to swing a whole afternoon away from the wee babe and go.  Sounds like fun!)

In any event, I'm ready to be back to more of a routine and looking forward to fall.

How was your summer, sewing and otherwise???

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to display old doilies! Leave it to the Finns. I have some Kaffe woven stripes waiting for the perfect project myself. Simply gorgeous, aren't they? See you at AQA's event, I hope. Wee babe could come along, too...


Sweet Words