Inspired by Victoria Findley Wolf's win at QuiltCon with Double Edged Love, our guild sponsored a Double Wedding Ring Quilt challenge. I've always like the DWR, so here was a chance to give it a whirl!
To start, I pulled a happy and bright orphan improvisational block from my pile. Added a little more to it to bring it "up to size" and made sure to include a little blue bird from one of my favorite fabrics. Decided it looked like spring and needed some green rings. Pieced several...but they were too busy so dropped back to the solid rings. Was not in love with any of my binding options so I decided to try something new and do an envelope binding. Quilted her up and here she is!
I like it! She'll look pretty on my kitchen table under a springtime bouquet in a few months.
And my take on the DWR? Less intimidating than I expected...but I also decided I would really like to get some tips from someone who has made this block before. Those curves distort some, I wasn't always sure of the best way to line things up and was guessing the best way to work with the seam allowances when putting it all together. I'd love to get better at my precision with this one. Anyone know of any NYC classes for the DWR? I think I'd like to do a little more!